P H O T O Z I N E - L O N D O N



Hopefully All recent Errors have been corrected in Editions Currently Available


ISSUE THREE - Summer 2013

Pre-release PDF edition

contained the following Errors corrected in the First Edition

Page 36: Oxford Calling reprinted report from 98 Wounds ONE


ISSUE TWO - Spring 2013

First Edition

contained the following Errors corrected in the Second Edition

Page 47 Tiger Cub were listed as 'Tiger Cubs'

Page 80: Sheen were listed as playing 'Finns' which should have read 'Warehouse Party'

Page 85: Fat White Family were listed as playing 'Queen's Head' should have read ' Tipsy Bar'

Page 151: Article on the Gig Slut - last 2 lines missing. It should read:

"they’ll stop between stops for you. And I have a chat with someone called 'all the way Angie', you may have read about her!
(Roger writes updates on his travels under ‘the gig slut’ on facebook) she take me all the way.. home!”

Second Edition

the following errors were not corrected

Page 47: Tiger Cub are listed as playing 'Happy Birthdays' - this should read 'Birthdays



ISSUE ONE - Winter 2013

First Edition

the following errors were not corrected

Pages 63 & 64 'Pussycat & the Dirt Johnsons' are listed as 'Pussycat & the Dirt Johnsons'



If you are aware of other errors please report to errors@98wounds.com


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